Ninebot Max G30 DRV 1.7.13

Firmware is the "operating system" of the different parts of the scooter.
To view all firmware files for the Ninebot Max, visit Ninebot Max/G30 Firmware.
DRV firmware is responsible for the ESC and the driving performance of the vehicle.
DRV firmware is also known as ESC (Electronic Speed Control) or "Master Control" firmware.
DRV 1.7.13 (shows up as 1.8.3 in some apps) was the eighth update for the Ninebot Max.
Official Changelog
1. Improve vehicle safety 2. Fix known problems and optimize the experience
User Notes
This version implements proper encryption and is unlikely to be bypassed.
This version prevents changing the serial number if the user switches to the German/DE region or is on it already.
This firmware cannot be removed by Bluetooth flashing, and a bypass likely will not be released.
When attempting to downgrade this version with ScooterHacking Utility, you will be met with the message:
Update failed! Reason: Data format error.
Unlike with 1.7.0, and 1.6.13, there is and likely never will be a downgrade except to STLink.
SH does not have links to these files.
They are likely too new.