NetSuite PHP Toolkit: Get Item By Internal ID
March 20th, 2023
The NetSuite PHP Toolkit is surprisingly fully featured but not very well documented. This will be the first of several [More…]
DJVI – Base After Base piano midi synthesia cover
February 27th, 2023
This song is actually one of the first songs I ever created a cover for, and I have since redone [More…]
Upgrading a 2015 Tesla Model S 85D to MCU 2 in 2023
February 22nd, 2023
As a Tesla Model S owner, I was starting to notice that my infotainment center was becoming slower and less [More…]
Shopify Access Metaobjects With Liquid
February 15th, 2023
Shopify recently released their Shopify Editions 2023, highlighting new features and updates to the platform. One of these new features [More…]
How to Tell the Difference Between Gen 1/Gen 2 Ninebot Max G30 ESC
February 7th, 2023
Ninebot has recently released a new version of the Ninebot Max/G30 ESC. This new version is no longer based on [More…]
PSA: ScooterHacking ReFlasher Now Supports Gen 2 AT32/GD32 ESC’s!
January 31st, 2023
On 2022-01-31, in an announcement to Discord and their forums, ScooterHacking released version 1.3 of their Scooterhacking ReFlasher software. This [More…]
PDO/PHP Batch Inserting Records to Improve Speed
January 25th, 2023
While making a remittance checker I was running into issues with the huge amount of records coming in that needed [More…]
Shopify Dawn Theme Disable Cart Drawer Open on Add to Cart
December 5th, 2022
If you want to install a different app for, say, a slideout cart, you may want to disable the inbuilt [More…]
POLO & PAN – Zoom Zoom Piano Midi Synthesia Cover
December 2nd, 2022
Project Started: 2020-05-20 Ended: 2022-12-02 Total time spent: 59 mins Notes: 1035 Download:
Waterflame – Electroman Adventures piano midi synthesia cover
November 27th, 2022
Getting banned from YouTube for no reason kind of took the wind out of my sails cover-wise but I’m back [More…]
Shopify Dawn 7.0.0+ Disable Cart Drawer Popup
November 3rd, 2022
If you use a third-party app to create a slide-out cart, then you will likely want to disable dawn’s (new) [More…]
Shopify remove decimal from prices
September 30th, 2022
On my store, we use whole number prices so there was no reason to show the “.00” on the end. [More…]