July 20th, 2021
Since using RMA’s in Magento 2 is an Enterprise-only feature, there is not much information out there on what classes to use.
Below is how to programmatically load an RMA by ID in Magento 2:
<?php /* * RMA Helper * -- * Created by Joey Babcock July 2020 * Last modified by Joey Babcock July 2020 */ namespace Joeybab3\RMA\Helper; class RMA extends \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper { protected $_rmaRepository; public function __construct( \Magento\Rma\Api\RmaRepositoryInterface $rmaRepository ) { $this->_rmaRepository = $rmaRepository; } public function getRmaById($rmaid) { $rma = $this->_rmaRepository->get($rmaid); return $rma; } } ?>
As you can see it’s not really that complicated but due to the lack of information I figured it might be nice to have more resources on it.