
Bootstrap Multi Level Dropdown Menus in WordPress

Bootstrap Multi Level Dropdown Menus in WordPress

May 23rd, 2019

I came across an issue while building a site for my high school’s ASB, which was how to deal with [More…]

ESP8266 Based SONOS Browser Controller

ESP8266 Based SONOS Browser Controller

November 13th, 2016

  The esp serves up a web page that can be used to control your sonos from anything that can [More…]

Live Interactive PHP/Javascript Weather Script Update

Live Interactive PHP/Javascript Weather Script Update

February 26th, 2016

Overview: The clouds above change speed/color/count according to the actual weather for Carlsbad at the moment. I’ve changed a lot [More…]

Cross Country Mount Carmel Movin’ Shoes Score Lookup(2014)

Cross Country Mount Carmel Movin’ Shoes Score Lookup(2014)

September 26th, 2014

I made this so you can look up your score really easily: (Link removed as it no longer works, see [More…]

Music Player/Visualizer

Music Player/Visualizer

September 25th, 2014

(EDIT) Needs to be updated, no longer works :/ I made this a while ago as an Easter egg that [More…]

Javascript Drawing App

Javascript Drawing App

August 19th, 2014

I made this mainly for the Custom Catloafs but, it was originally based off of PhpAcademy’s(Now called codecourse) video, how [More…]

Javascript Three.js Visualizer With Nyan Stars

Javascript Three.js Visualizer With Nyan Stars

June 1st, 2014

Using Three.js, Jquery, JavaScript, and some stolen star code from NYAN.CAT, I made an audio visualizer(Link removed) that shows volume(I [More…]

Php Actual Weather Query Script

Php Actual Weather Query Script

May 8th, 2014

Download here: This is a simple script I made mostly based off of, to get it to work, go to [More…]

Flappy Loach

Flappy Loach

May 1st, 2014

I added more characters it randomly selects between 6. I will add a character selection menu soon, and maybe a [More…]

JavaScript Tutorial Part 3, Interacting With The Page

JavaScript Tutorial Part 3, Interacting With The Page

April 24th, 2014

So far, you’ve learned the basics; variables, and formatting. But how do you use those? This section will explain.

JavaScript Tutorial Part 2, Variables

JavaScript Tutorial Part 2, Variables

April 16th, 2014

Variables store values such as text, numbers, or objects. Variables are either declared and then later set, or can be [More…]

Javascript Tutorial Part 1, Foreword, Making your first script.

Javascript Tutorial Part 1, Foreword, Making your first script.

April 16th, 2014

  JavaScript is used on almost every website big and small. It can be used to move items, sense clicks, [More…]