Segway Power Station Cube Error Code E02

"Battery low temperature protection"

If your Segway Power Station Cube is beeping or has a red wrench icon and flashes this code, read below.

If you clicked the wrong error code, go back to the Power Station Cube Error Code Index.

Previous Error Code: Segway Power Station Cube Error Code E01 - Next Error Code: Segway Power Station Cube Error Code E03


This error is likely caused by the unit being below its 14f/-10c operating temperature.


Please make the battery back to the normal temperature.

Per Segway:

"[...] You can still use Cube in the winter, even if the temperature drops below 40°F, and the lowest discharge temperature of Cube is approximately -4℉, while the lowest charge temperature is about 38℉."

If the unit is within these ranges then it may have a faulty temperature sensor.