Ninebot ESX Change Serial/Region

Changing the serial number of a Ninebot is useful for getting the scooter to show up as a different model in the app, which is required to enable the underglow and LED effects.

It also can control the maximum speed in some cases.

This is referred to as 'changing regions' as the serial number is used to perform regional locking.

For the SNSC 2.0/Ninebot Max/G30 go to Ninebot Max Change Serial/Region.

Choosing a Serial Number

A serial number should be in the format N2GXAxxxxCxxxx.

Replace X with a letter below depending on how you want the scooter to show up in the segway app.

A - Silver ES4

C - Black ES3

E - Black ES1

F - Black ES1

J - Silver ES4

K - Black ES2

N - Black ES2

P - Silver ES4

S - Black ES4

T - Silver ES2

U - Black ES2L

W - Black ES2

The next two sets of xxxx can be any 4 digits.

The A and C can be any letter.

Below are two serial number examples:

N2GTA1234C1234 - Silver ES2 
N2GSA2020C2020 - Black ES4


Ninebot Flasher

Ninebot IAP



ScooterHacking Utility

By far the best method for configuring Ninebot scooters, ScooterHacking Utility (Often abbreviated SHUT or Utility) is a free, ad-free Android app.

Download it here.

Once installed give it permission to access 'location' so that it can connect to Bluetooth devices.

Select the device you want to pair to.

The list of available ble devices.

Click on the 'Tools' tab.

The tools tab within Utility.

Click 'Change Region'.

The change region tab within the tools tab of Utility.

Click anywhere to dismiss this popup (not relevant for the time being on this model).

Ninebot has not released firmware with these restribctions for the ESX series yet.

Click 'Custom'.

The only option is a custom region.

Change your 4th character to the one selected above.

Change your serial to a new region matching what you chose above.

Head back to the 'Info' tab in order to confirm that the serial has changed.

The region successfully changed.

At this point, reboot and confirm that the settings have been changed as well. Sometimes the serial change won't stick.
