Segway Power Station Cube Error Code E14

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"Inverter malfunction"

If your Segway Power Station Cube is beeping or has a red wrench icon and flashes this code, read below.

If you clicked the wrong error code, go back to the Power Station Cube Error Code Index.

Previous Error Code: Segway Power Station Cube Error Code E13 - Next Error Code: Segway Power Station Cube Error Code E15


Error 14 signals a problem with the power station's internal inverter, which converts DC power from the battery to AC power.


"Disconnect the AC devices. Turn off the AC output after 5 seconds and try again later."

To fix error E14, try the following steps:

  • Disconnect all AC devices.
  • Turn off the AC output, wait for 5 seconds, and try turning it on again.
  • If the error persists, contact technical support for further assistance.