Ninebot Max BLE 1.1.3

Firmware is the "operating system" of the different parts of the scooter.

The update message for BLE 1.1.3 from the Segway-Ninebot app.

To view all firmware files for the Ninebot Max, visit Ninebot Max/G30 Firmware.

BLE firmware is responsible for the dashboard and its Bluetooth communications.

It stands for Bluetooth Low Energy but is also referred to as the dashboard/display firmware.

BLE 1.1.3 was the second known BLE update for the max.

Official Changelog

1. Optimize the riding experience of scooters[1]

User Notes


Zip:, Format: CFW ZipV2 Format

Bin: BLE113.bin, Format: CFW Bin Format

Encoded Bin: BLE113.bin.enc, Format: CFW Encoded Bin Format