PSA: Do Not Update Your Ninebot Max to 1.8.3 (1.7.13)

July 18th, 2022

This version restricts upgrading.

This version restricts upgrading and adds nothing to the user experience.

Previously, with DRV versions 1.6.13(1.7.3) and 1.7.0, Ninebot implemented restrictions to prevent downgrading the firmware.

The team at ScooterHacking has quickly responded to these versions with a downgrade but warned that this might not be possible in the future.

With the release of 1.8.3/1.7.13, this version cannot be removed without an STLink.

Let me say that again, you CAN NOT downgrade 1.8.3/1.7.13 without disassembling the scooter and STLinking now.

I have a guide for how to STLink a Max ESC to remove these versions here:

This is the ONLY way to downgrade once updated, it is not likely a fix will ever be developed.

If you are unable to STLink you will need to replace the ESC with one that has an older version.

More often than not these updates add nothing to the user experience or cause more problems.


15 thoughts on "PSA: Do Not Update Your Ninebot Max to 1.8.3 (1.7.13)"

  1. Emmanuel says:

    if I do the stlink, will changing the serial number of my scooter affect it’s connectivity with the ninebot app or something? also will xiao dash work instead of flashing stlink if you are on 1.8.3

    1. joeybab3 says:

      No just changing the serial will make the app think its as new scooter and you will have to bind it again but thats it. The app may force an update at some point so be careful of that.

      XiaoDash will not work without stlink either.

  2. Max says:

    unfortunately I have already upgraded to 1.8.3 (1.7.13) .. to fix the problem, can you replace the ESC? .. and only that?
    Thanks in advance

  3. Max says:

    unfortunately I have updated to version 1.8.3 / 1.7.13 … can only ESC be replace to solve the problem? Thanks in advance

    1. joeybab3 says:

      Hi, were you able to read the post? The ESC swap is one way to fix it but you can also STLink your controller and not need to buy a new one as linked in the post.

  4. hehe says:

    i just bought a ninebot g30 yesterday and i wasnt aware of all this, ive been trying to flash the firmware and i’ve only jsut come across this.
    how easy would you say it is to do it the STlink for an absolute beginner, and would any shops do this service and for how much?

    thanks in advance!

    1. joeybab3 says:

      I would say it’s not that difficult, you can view the steps ahead of time and see what it involves if you want to gauge the difficulty for yourself!

      I don’t know of any shops that would do it and I would also say it is very likely region-dependent as well. Some people on eBay offer a “flashing service” but it seemed quite overpriced last time I checked.

  5. nicolcea says:

    i have blocked g30p , i need the version i had 1.7.0 .
    I saw on scooterhacking that it is only 1.7.3, where can I download 1.7.0?

    1. joeybab3 says:

      There is currently only one way to downgrade which is using the scooterhacking utility app. They do not provide the firmware file or details about the workaround so that is the only way to do it currently.

  6. Ludovic says:

    Hello can WE change region with an application for U.S. region? Thank in avance.

    1. joeybab3 says:

      Unfortunately no because the update was pushed out for all regions. STLink is the only way to remove this update.

  7. ScooterBoy says:

    Do you beleive that the team at ScooterHacking will crack the new 1.8.3 software in the future?

    1. joeybab3 says:

      I do not see this being the case, unfortunately.

  8. Kyle Giroux says:

    Am I able to upload modded firmware to my ninebot max if it is currently running version 1.7.13 ?

    1. joeybab3 says:

      No, this version prevents loading any firmware, unfortunately.

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