February 7th, 2020
Rideshare companies have been notoriously bad at picking up their towed vehicles, so it’s not uncommon to be able to pick up Ninebot Scooters from companies like Lyft and Bird that can be legally yours and rideable without having to pay each time.
Rental scooters need to be flashed to put OEM software on them in order to unlock this functionality. This process is likely easier than finding the police auctions/towing yards willing to sell you ex-rental scooters.
This site does not condone stealing or vandalism of rideshare property.
My scooter has an IoT Port or My scooter does not have an IoT Port
Don’t know what an IoT port is?
Check the bottom area of the scooter for a wire or hole where a GPS box might be mounted.
Image via https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=308679&picture=rent-a-bike-scooter
Is the ninebolt firmware the same firmware for spin scooter the spin has suspention. Im trying to figute out the firmware..
If it has suspension that likely means it is a Max Plus which does not support retail firmware. Ask the person who sold it to you for help returning it to stock.