M5Stack Game of Life
May 2nd, 2019
I thought this example was pretty cool so I created a little demo video for it. Code available on GitHub.
.htaccess RewriteRules for redirecting base64 strings
April 29th, 2019
A while back for Senior Assassins I needed to create an htaccess rewrite rule for base64 strings. I already had [More…]
ESP32 update to the Sonos Arduino library!
December 21st, 2018
I finally got around to adding esp32 support to the Sonos library so you know what that means, m5stack time! [More…]
M5Stack (ESP32) Live Youtube Subscriber Counter
August 26th, 2017
Displays your live subscriber count on the built-in IL9341 display. The M5Stack is based on the ESP32. Download the code [More…]
ESP8266 Amazon Echo Sonos Controller (Wemo emulator library + Sonos Library)
December 12th, 2016
While it can only start and stop playback, I still felt it worthy of documenting. I was trying to [More…]
Lifx API Control Library for ESP8266
November 26th, 2016
I’ve started work on a library for the esp8266 in order to control LIFX bulbs via the HTTP API. You [More…]
ESP8266 Based SONOS Browser Controller
November 13th, 2016
The esp serves up a web page that can be used to control your sonos from anything that can [More…]
JavaScript Tutorial Part 3, Interacting With The Page
April 24th, 2014
So far, you’ve learned the basics; variables, and formatting. But how do you use those? This section will explain.
JavaScript Tutorial Part 2, Variables
April 16th, 2014
Variables store values such as text, numbers, or objects. Variables are either declared and then later set, or can be [More…]
Javascript Tutorial Part 1, Foreword, Making your first script.
April 16th, 2014
JavaScript is used on almost every website big and small. It can be used to move items, sense clicks, [More…]